As per Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 (Amended 2010), each & every type of industrial unit or project requires obtaining Environmental Clearance Certificate from Department of Environment. Considering the site & impact on the environment, industries and projects are divided into four categories: Green, Orange-A, Orange-B, and Red. Orange-B category industries require Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). For Red category industries, EIA approval along with EMP is required to obtain Environmental Clearance Certificate.
For projects sponsored by Asian Development Bank (ADB), guidelines provide by ADB must be followed in addition to the rules & regulations of Bangladesh. As per categorization of ADB (there are four: A, B, C or FI), EIA is required for A category projects. B category projects require IEE, and depending on the assessment of IEE, EIA might also be required. EMP is considered a part of EIA in ADB guidelines.

To conduct IEE & EIA study Benchmarks Solutions will follow the steps described below:

The IEE study for the proposed facilities will follow the steps described below:
• Desk review of information such as maps, reports, etc. for the plant
• Preparation of checklists for collecting plant related information based on different guidelines mentioned in section 4.
• Initial screening and baseline survey
• Scoping & identifying issues
• Predicting Impacts
• Evaluating Impact significance
• Determining methods to avoid / mitigate undesirable impacts
• Developing Environmental Management Plan for monitoring & control of impacts.

Benchmark Solutions is well capable of to support our valued clients in identifying environmental aspects and impacts and take mitigation measures to promote a cleaner environment.

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